Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Recursion in the real life

Recursion is one of the most interesting concepts I have found in the software development, when a function calls itself in order to efficiently reach a solution. Most of the models used in the science and technology are based on the real-world entities at the first place, neural networks, artificial intelligence.. For many years now I had the thought of finding the analogy of the recursion in reality.

There are many aspects that are recursive, although your first tough usually doesn't land on those, like the parallel mirror positioned ideally so that one reflects the reflection of the other and the other one the reflection of the other one... But there are two problems with this instance, first that wherever you position the camera (viewpoint) it won't be reflecting the reflection of one mirror into the other, since it is going to be pointed onto one of the mirrors at a time. Second problem is that in the actuality there is no such thing as ideally positioned mirrors, likewise there is no such a thing as parallel lines.

Lizards - by M. C. Escher (one of the most recursive painting known)
As a kid I was amazed when on tv, the cartoon actors where watching TV. I would guess that those could be watching another cartoon on their TV, why not? That's like a wander to a kid -- recursive cartoon!

The best instance of recursion for me has been for a long time and to this day.. dreaming... Have you ever had a dream in your dream?
Think about it, and before you ever heard of  the movie Inception, but when you are dreaming inside your dream, which is the serious second level dreaming. But who restricts you to have another dream when you are dreaming in your dream? With enough imagination that is very possible and achievable.

What's your instance of real-world recursion?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

We speak so many languages... and not only programming languages

Hello World, I am a Note
For those of us addicted to Facebook already know, few months back they expended the profile options for adding more personal data, such as interests - movies, books [all displayed with thumbnails] and languages. And for those of us - the geeks, the options are restrictive and do not allow listing our beloved programming languages as spoken on Facebook?

When measuring if somebody can really speak the given language the person is usually asked a series of questions, like how would you say "Hello", "How are you", "I love you", "Bye" in the langauge. To prove the point I can say the prase you chose in many programming languages, going with a sample phase this is the list of my non-listed spoken lanuages, enjoy:) 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void) {
    printf("Hello World, I am a Note\n");
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

#include <iostream>
int main() {
   std::cout << "Hello World, I am a Note" << std::endl;
   return 0;

class Hello {
  static void Main() {
     System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World, I am a Note");   }

public class Hello {
    public static void main(String []args) {
      System.out.println("Hello World, I am a Note");

 document.writeln("Hello World, I am a Note");

Perl / Python
print 'Hello World, I am a Note';

puts 'Hello World, I am a Note';

echo "Hello World, I am a Note"


I wouldn't mind the distiction of natural versus artificial languages, and prevension of fake languages being listed as spoke, but if one can add "alian" to the list, there should be option to at least add Lisp to the same list.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Origins of VStretch

The name for the VStretch has its roots, when a group of friends was trying to settle on the name for a new company in the car on our way to a restaurant. When one of our co-founders became very exited and drove the car in the opposite direction, the rest of us yelled "VStretch, VStrech (ed. heading into the traffic) turn around!". Next thing we knew was that we were discussing how awesome it would be to name the company VStretch -- as something going against the flow of all the common, something that would help the businesses to stretch and oppose the current! So VStretch it was!

Another day working with the same group of people on our future targets and goals, I got the following shot of overlaying laptops when our programmers were too exited to focus and were hands on discussing how cool can it all turn out!

Later on, this picture would be referred to as the conceiving of VStretch, after everyone has seen it, we could all share a laugh of how exited work gets everybody, and the way you can stuck up laptops in the process of thinking Big about the many great possibilities for the company to succeed and help small and medium businesses create their websites, software solutions and help increase the revenue and profits with better web positioning and advertising technologies.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and look forward for the frequent and exiting updates!

Launch of official website!

We are happy to announce that Vertical Stretch Technologies official website is now live!

Visit us at online at http://www.vstretch.com/ to for the latest news and updates about our current projects.  
Vertical Stretch Technologies has a vision to help businesses achieve more, by providing them with professional technical services and business intelligence. Allowing a reliable team to support your needs lets you focus on running your business. Technological solutions are a necessity these days, but only a combination of skill and dedication can help achieve your goals.

Our team members are chosen for their skill and specialty, and we understand that your success fuels our success. We have studied for years to gain a full understanding of the fundamentals necessary to develop and maintain technological solutions to problems from the mundane to the extraordinary, while still keeping up with emerging technologies and trends.