Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Origins of VStretch

The name for the VStretch has its roots, when a group of friends was trying to settle on the name for a new company in the car on our way to a restaurant. When one of our co-founders became very exited and drove the car in the opposite direction, the rest of us yelled "VStretch, VStrech (ed. heading into the traffic) turn around!". Next thing we knew was that we were discussing how awesome it would be to name the company VStretch -- as something going against the flow of all the common, something that would help the businesses to stretch and oppose the current! So VStretch it was!

Another day working with the same group of people on our future targets and goals, I got the following shot of overlaying laptops when our programmers were too exited to focus and were hands on discussing how cool can it all turn out!

Later on, this picture would be referred to as the conceiving of VStretch, after everyone has seen it, we could all share a laugh of how exited work gets everybody, and the way you can stuck up laptops in the process of thinking Big about the many great possibilities for the company to succeed and help small and medium businesses create their websites, software solutions and help increase the revenue and profits with better web positioning and advertising technologies.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter, and look forward for the frequent and exiting updates!

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